Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fabulous K and Ruston Peach Cobbler

HELLO EVERYONE ---I realize I have not blogged in like a week or something crazy and my how the natives get restless...BUT I just wanted to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to my good friend Kelly at "FABULOUS K BLOG DESIGNS" she truly is FABULOUS!!! So if you are looking for a 'lil spicin up to your page she can for sure hook a sista up!!THANK YOU KELLY --I LURVE IT!! In other news...I joined the Lambright Sports Center at Tech this week, got my official alumni discount (I am sure this was just a marketing ploy but it worked) and off I go...Step one in trying to counter act all the yummy food I have been consuming.....SWEET TEA, LOG CABIN's chimis, and PEACH COBBLER!! I was doing so well on my quest for a Healthier and Better Me --WHEN (duh da duh da duh) yesterday my sweet Aunt called me from Farmerville and said that there was a Ruston Peach Cobbler sitting in her oven with my NAME all over it!! Well whats a girls to do? I COULD NOT DISAPPOINT my aunt...So as soon as I got off work I headed out to Farmerville to visit with my Aunt Sheron and Uncle Randy they have such a beautiful home right on the lake and she "fixed" me some fresh purple hull peas, sweet cornbread, cabbage, and hamburger steak....hmmm hmmm life doesn't get much better than that and then wash it down with some yummy peach cobbler (blue bell vanilla ice cream on top,of course) ---I do realize I just sounded as country as a "turnip green" and I fully embrace that fact....but lets JUST say BABY NEEDED TO RUN BEHIND THE CAR all the way back home to the Russ-Town!!!Oh but nights like these are priceless!! Next, I got home and sat out on the front porch with Ms. Judy and Mr. Keith, just a rocking in the rocking chairs, sippin on some community coffee, watchin the stars light up the sky and talking about progress and the good 'ole days (isn't that a rascal flatts song)...anywho I WOULD not TRADE days like these for ANYTHING!!! I LOVE SMALL TOWN LIVING!!!

P.S.---That Boy (Ms Candi's friend) called me last night---I was very impressed with his intiative he said that Ms Candi told him it would be in his best interest to give me a we will see ---stay tuned for more updates.


Finally an Abrigg..... said...

It IS in his best interest to give you a call. :)
I lurve your stories. :)

Lora said...

I also belong to the Lambright. We do yoga on Tuesdays at 6 AM & I lift weights. One of Mona Wilson's favorite stories to tell is the day that you and Ashley saw me running with the IT Band straps on my legs-Something about being such a hero running with my prosthesis! A Brandi Moment! No one would ever blame you for not passing up that great meal!

the Jennings secede from the South said...

Whoa I am really excited to hear the updates on initiative-boy.

I want to come live in God's country!

Ashley said...

Is this going to be a southern-food blog? It sure does make me jealous. I suppose that Sheron and Paula came from the same cooking know, the one where they teach you to cook like a "banshee".

*oh, yes, how I love the prosthesis story as well!!!!! I believe it is a very bloggable story!

Andrea "The H family" said...

GIRL! love your new header.
YES--got the chocolates. I emailed K. Amazing.

Ashley said...

Your wish is my command

Bex said...

Are you dating now???? Multiple Menssss???

Cynthia said...

Dang...after seeing yours and Lora's new bloggy facelifts, I want one!

And I'm intrigued at the boy set-ups...yay for tomorrow!