Monday, April 21, 2008


Hello blog family---"See what had happened was"....the bestie came into town this weekend to get "showered" so I have been a bit tardy on the blogging front....well lets see where should I start first.....I guess I will start at the place where dreams really do come true....LOG CABIN!! Amz made her way into town Thursday night and our first pit stop was at the pay homage to their "world-famous" chimichanga (if you never have made its acquaintance you truly are missing out cuz that thing will change your life or at least you will wanna re-dedicate your life after one tantalizing bite---but one should definitely take precaution and have that eternal security question nailed down before proceeding because that thing is for sure a HEART ATTACK just waiting to happen!!)So we could get fueled up for the action-packed, marathon weekend that was awaiting us. The next point of interest would be the shower that was hosted by some of her mother's friends"The Ruston Runners" and spear headed by one of my MOST FAVORITE Women EVER the lovely Ms. Lora Conville (this chiefly due to the fact that all of the others were MIA due to various illnesses... and side note Miss Loralanded herself in the ER the very next day due to a series of unfortunate events...bless her heart...hope she gets to feeling better:) Hats off to all of the was UH-MAZING!!

Next we ventured to the lovely home of Ms. Laura Beasley Jones where we partook in some Bachelorette FUN...playing such games as bridal trivia and wedding word scramble which proved to be a lot more FUN than I had originally anticipated (usually these shower games are a real WHIP....but that is partly due to the fact that I happen to be a professional bridesmaid and there are only so many cheezy wedding shower games one can withstand before going completely POSTAL...but these were a lot of FUN and completely original as only Laura knows how to do)And a highlight for me was hanging with my 'ole buddy Barbara Noles Tims who is the picture of GRACE---LOVE HER!!

After this we hopped in the car and headed to the Port City to eat at SUPERIOR---and wouldn't ya know that we ran into about 482 Ruston folks!! But this is NOT surprising considering S'Port is the NEW "HollyWEIRD" and everyone these days is trying to get discovered and earn their 15 min. of fame....but I saw folks I HAD NOT seen since HIGH SCHOOL!!One of which anonymously paid for my meal that night...And who says chivalry is DEAD!! (If you are reading this, just know that I was in SHOCK and AWE when the waiter informed me of the news...and I was also very grateful---Thank You kind Sir:)

The Next Morning came VERY EARLY for this steel magnolia (My body is still trying to make the transition from night church,which is what I attended in Texas, to morning church) Afterward a group of us headed to the EL Jarrito for lunch (in which I was the only single person in attendance which really isn't all that significant except for the fact that I think married people sometimes forget that not EVERYONE is married so they end up sharing T.M.I. and swapping war stories of SPOUSAL SHOWERING TOGETHER and how (And I Quote) "incredibly hard it is for two people to fit into tiny showers", all the while I find myself sitting awkwardly betwixt them all nodding and smiling very nervously, pretending to fidget with my phone and acting like this is perfectly normal, afterchurch dinner conversation, thrown in between other commonly heard dinner-table topics such as "What did you think about the sermon?", "What are you getting to eat?", "What are your plans this afternoon?", "How do you and your husband fit into your shower?", "Could you pass the chips.", "more salsa please? ....but really all I wanted to do was just go find some dark corner and crawl up in a ball and suck my thumb and pray to the Sweet Lord Baby Jesus to make it all stop! But soon enough our food arrived and I scarfed down my food making a mental note, to NEVER make that same mistake "twiced". But while I was there at the EL JARRITO I had a celebrity sighting ....Has anyone ever watched Nacho Libre?.... Well good neither have I,(wait I Kid --April fools:) You know in the movie the 'lil chubby kid "Chuy" ...well come to find out he works at the El Jarrito in Ruston on the weekends (I know who knew right??!!I think its his famliy's business) So you know I had to get a picture cuz otherwise my peeps back in Tejas would never have believed me...I am sure he gets fans all the time...but I did not want to be THAT girl so when he asked me for a refill on my drink I nonchalantly asked him for a pic....and he graciously obliged....

Whew! It was a good thing I had my camera handy or I might have missed out on this star sighting....
Speaking of "showers"---Amy Lynn had yet another shower on Sunday afternoon, this time the WHOLE town of DUBACH made an appearance in the foyer of the Guaranty know the kind of shower I am talking about---the kind where there are SWEET 'LIL old ladies with names like Miss Phronie and Miss Illa Faye, that hook you up with all kinds of loot and who would just love to tell an incremenating story or two from your childhood,( even if no one asked them to) the same 'lil ladies who have been waiting to see ya walk down the aisle your entire life and who probably consider you to be one of their own ... THESE are definitely the SWEETEST of ALL!! Welp I think that will about do it for now I leave you with a few more pics...


Nat Pat said...

hey! glad to see you blogging! you look fabulous in the pics. love you in pink.

Lora said...

OK-I'm EXHAUSTED and all I did was READ what you did! When I get this new kitchen in -you and Cynthia are coming for a fabulous dinner by "Chef Lora"! Thanks for the well wishes-I'm fine and embarrassed that I had a temporary chink in my armor!

Sum said...

You know I love a good yellow dress. You look so purty!

p.s. I died about the "shower" story. hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

loved seeing you too! great blog here. :)


Lora said...

I thought you and Cynthia Shahan were classmates?

Andrea "The H family" said...

your a blog freak now girl. Did you see my twitter comment about you?! LOL
Love you---p.s. sounds like the shower was fun. Great pics.

Craig and Angela said...

Hello Miss Brandi! Just found your blog through other friends. I love your design. I hope are doing great in Louisiana!